A miniature (sonic) sadhu emerges from a flying saucer, greets the viewer in a high-pitched voice, gets startled as he sees the autopilot logo (no one knows why), then talks backwards, shoots a laser beam at the logo and disappears in his wavering manner! The autopilot logo then breaks into a dance of beautiful glows and glitches. 'Revenge of the Sonic Sadhus' was to smash out of our 50's/60's themed website to a newer, 80's styled electronic version. The video was also one of the two promotions created for the comeback gig.
Starring as autopilot’s sonic sadhus; Aditya Gurudev and Hari Adivarekar twitched, jumped and gibbered this and that while spray-painting the autopilot logo on the walls and roads of Bangalore city. Their madness was documented in a film by Sam Mohan and Aloke Shetty with the help of Kalpana Kumar. The skit was coordinated and organised by Ridhi D’Cruz and Kashyap Murali in Mumbai, and Johana Barretto in Bangalore. The on-ground guerrilla promotions were supported by this 20 second edited footage and became one of the two pre-event video promos made for the gig.